.. _commands: ======== Commands ======== The following Django commands - meant to be run as ``python manage.py command_name [--argument [arg_val]]`` in the virtual environment - are bundled: .. _load_symbols: ``load_symbols`` ================ Loads symbols from Binance. .. autoclass:: base.management.commands.load_symbols.Command .. _warm_and_ready: ``warm_and_ready`` ================== Cleans current data, gets fresh ones, and updates models. .. autoclass:: base.management.commands.warm_and_ready.Command .. _ws_klines: ``ws_klines`` ============= Starts the WebSocket client for data retrieval (ws polling). .. autoclass:: base.management.commands.ws_klines.Command .. _calibrate_all_models: ``calibrate_all_models`` ========================= [UNDER DEVELOPMENT] Calibrates the parameters of all Symbols' Prediction models. This a computationally expensive call. .. autoclass:: base.management.commands.calibrate_all_models.Command .. _calibrate_all_windows: ``calibrate_all_windows`` ========================= Calibrates the window size of all Symbols' Prediction models. This a computationally expensive call. .. autoclass:: base.management.commands.calibrate_all_windows.Command