Source code for base.indicators

import inspect
import sys

import pandas as pd
from django.conf import settings
from statsmodels.tsa.api import Holt

from .utils import count_periods_from_now

def get_indicators():
    available_inds = {
        i.slug: i
        for j, i in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
        if getattr(i, "slug", None)
    if settings.INDICATORS == ["__all__"]:
        return available_inds
        indicators = {}
        for indicator in settings.INDICATORS:
            indicators[indicator] = available_inds[indicator]
        return indicators

[docs]class Indicator: slug = None # slug to be used in the backend template = None # template snippet in the Symbol snippet js_slug = None # slug to be used in UI js_sorting = None # js snippet to obtain the value for sorting in the UI symbol = None value = None # the value of the indicator at the moment of calculation def __init__(self, symbol): # pragma: no cover self.symbol = symbol def calculate(self): # pragma: no cover self.value = None return self.value
class MACDCG(Indicator): """ Moving Average Convergence / Divergence - Current Good """ slug = "macdcg" template = "base/indicators/_macd.html" js_slug = "cg" js_sorting = "base/indicators/_macd.js" # a, b, c = (None, None, None) def __init__( self, symbol, a=settings.MACD_CG[0], # Middle-term tendency b=settings.MACD_CG[1], # Long-term tendency c=settings.MACD_CG[2], # Short-term tendency ): self.symbol = symbol self.a, self.b, self.c = a, b, c def calculate(self): tds = reversed( self.symbol.training_data.all() .order_by("-time")[: self.b * 2] .values_list("price_close", flat=True) ) tds = pd.Series(tds) ts_a = tds.rolling(self.a).mean().dropna() ts_b = tds.rolling(self.b).mean().dropna() ts_c = tds.rolling(self.c).mean().dropna() min_len = min(len(ts_a), len(ts_b), len(ts_c)) ts_a = ts_a[-min_len:].reset_index(drop=True) ts_b = ts_b[-min_len:].reset_index(drop=True) ts_c = ts_c[-min_len:].reset_index(drop=True) ts_c_var = ts_c.diff().dropna() ts_diff_ab = ts_a - ts_b ts_diff_ca = ts_c - ts_a ts_a_e = pd.Series(Holt(ts_a.tolist()).fit().fittedvalues) ts_b_e = pd.Series(Holt(ts_b.tolist()).fit().fittedvalues) ts_c_e = pd.Series(Holt(ts_c.tolist()).fit().fittedvalues) ts_c_e_var = ts_c_e.diff().dropna() ts_diff_e_ab = ts_a_e - ts_b_e ts_diff_e_ca = ts_c_e - ts_a_e macd_line = ts_a_e - ts_b_e macd_signal = ( macd_line.rolling(self.c).mean().dropna().reset_index(drop=True) ) macd_line = macd_line[(self.c - 1) :].reset_index(drop=True).to_list() signal_diff = (macd_line - macd_signal).to_list() current_good = (macd_line[-1] > 0) and (signal_diff[-1] > 0) self.value = { "params": [ self.a, self.b, self.c, ], "smas": { "a": ts_a[-min_len:].tolist(), "b": ts_b[-min_len:].tolist(), "c": ts_c[-min_len:].tolist(), "c_var": ts_c_var.tolist(), "diff_ab": ts_diff_ab.tolist(), "diff_ca": ts_diff_ca.tolist(), }, "emas": { "a": ts_a_e[-min_len:].tolist(), "b": ts_b_e[-min_len:].tolist(), "c": ts_c_e[-min_len:].tolist(), "c_var": ts_c_e_var.tolist(), "diff_ab": ts_diff_e_ab.tolist(), "diff_ca": ts_diff_e_ca.tolist(), }, "macd_line": macd_line[-self.c :], "macd_line_last": macd_line[-1], "signal": macd_signal[-self.c :].to_list(), "signal_diff": signal_diff[-self.c :], "current_good": bool(current_good), } return self.value class SCG(Indicator): """ Simple Current Good Indicator """ slug = "scg" template = "base/indicators/_scg.html" js_slug = "scg" js_sorting = "base/indicators/_scg.js" # ( s, m, l, ) = (None, None, None) def __init__( self, symbol, s=settings.SCG[0], # Short-term tendency m=settings.SCG[1], # Middle-term tendency l=settings.SCG[2], # Long-term tendency ): self.symbol = symbol self.s, self.m, self.l = s, m, l def calculate(self): tds = reversed( self.symbol.training_data.all() .order_by("-time")[: self.l * 2] .values_list("price_close", flat=True) ) tds = pd.Series(tds) ts_s = tds.rolling(self.s).mean().dropna() ts_m = tds.rolling(self.m).mean().dropna() ts_l = tds.rolling(self.l).mean().dropna() min_len = min(len(ts_s), len(ts_m), len(ts_l)) ts_m = ts_m[-min_len:].reset_index(drop=True) ts_l = ts_l[-min_len:].reset_index(drop=True) ts_s = ts_s[-min_len:].reset_index(drop=True) ts_s_var = ts_s.pct_change().dropna() ts_m_var = ts_m.pct_change().dropna() ts_l_var = ts_l.pct_change().dropna() ts_diff_ml = ts_m - ts_l ts_diff_sm = ts_s - ts_m ts_diff_sm_var = ts_diff_ml.pct_change().dropna() ts_diff_ml_var = ts_diff_ml.pct_change().dropna() cg = (ts_diff_ml > 0) & (ts_diff_sm > 0) cg_periods = count_periods_from_now(cg) if cg_periods == 0: scg_index = 0 else: scg_index = ( 100 - cg_periods + ts_diff_ml_var[len(cg) - 1 - cg_periods] ) eo = ts_diff_sm > 0 early_onset_periods = count_periods_from_now(eo) early_onset = early_onset_periods > 0 seo_index = ( 100 - early_onset_periods + ts_diff_sm_var[len(eo) - 1 - early_onset_periods] if early_onset else 0 ) self.value = { "params": [ self.s, self.m, self.l, ], "line_m": ts_m.to_list(), "line_l": ts_l.to_list(), "line_s": ts_s.to_list(), "line_s_var": ts_s_var.to_list(), "line_m_var": ts_m_var.to_list(), "line_l_var": ts_l_var.to_list(), "line_diff_ml": ts_diff_ml.to_list(), "line_diff_sm": ts_diff_sm.to_list(), "current_good": bool(cg[len(cg) - 1]), "current_good_periods": cg_periods, "scg_index": scg_index, "early_onset": early_onset, "early_onset_periods": early_onset_periods, "seo_index": seo_index, } return self.value class STP(Indicator): """ Short Term Prediction """ slug = "stp" template = "base/indicators/_stp.html" js_slug = "ac" js_sorting = "base/indicators/_stp.js" def __init__( self, symbol, periods=settings.STP, ): self.symbol = symbol self.periods = periods def calculate(self): stp = {"params": self.periods} stp["last_n"] = [ float(d) for d in [ getattr(self.symbol._last_td, f"variation_{i:02d}") for i in range(1, self.periods + 1) ] ] stp["last_n_sum"] = sum(stp["last_n"]) stp["next_n"] = self.symbol.get_prediction_model().predict_next_times( self.periods )[0] stp["next_n_sum"] = sum(stp["next_n"]) stp["next_n_value"] = float(self.symbol.last_value) * ( 1 + stp["next_n_sum"] / 100 ) self.value = stp return self.value class ATR(Indicator): """ Average True Rate """ slug = "atr" template = "base/indicators/_atr.html" js_slug = "atr" js_sorting = "base/indicators/_atr.js" def __init__( self, symbol, periods=settings.ATR, ): self.symbol = symbol self.periods = periods def get_data(self): return list( reversed( self.symbol.klines.all() .order_by("-time_close")[: self.periods + 1] .values( "price_high", "price_low", "price_close", ) ) ) def calculate(self): atr = {"params": self.periods} klines = self.get_data() trs = [] for i in range(1, self.periods + 1): tr = max( klines[i]["price_high"], klines[i - 1]["price_close"] ) - min(klines[i]["price_low"], klines[i - 1]["price_close"]) trs.append(tr) atrs = [sum(trs) / self.periods] # No need of updating # for i in range(1, self.periods + 1): # atrs.append((atrs[i - 1] * (i - 1) + trs[i]) / i) # atr["atrs"] = atrs atr["trs"] = [float(tr) for tr in trs] atr["current"] = float(atrs[-1]) self.value = atr return self.value class DC(Indicator): """ Donchian Channel """ slug = "dc" template = "base/indicators/_dc.html" js_slug = "dc" js_sorting = "base/indicators/_dc.js" def __init__( self, symbol, periods=settings.DC_PERIODS, amount=settings.DC_AMOUNT, ): self.symbol = symbol self.periods = periods self.amount = amount def get_data(self): return list( reversed( self.symbol.klines.all() .order_by("-time_close")[: self.periods + self.amount - 1] .values( "price_high", "price_low", ) ) ) def calculate(self): dc = { "params": { "periods": self.periods, "amount": self.amount, } } klines = self.get_data() upper = [ max([k["price_high"] for k in klines[i : self.periods + i]]) for i in range(0, self.amount) ] lower = [ min([k["price_low"] for k in klines[i : self.periods + i]]) for i in range(0, self.amount) ] dc["upper"] = [float(b) for b in upper] dc["lower"] = [float(b) for b in lower] dc["upper_break"] = dc["upper"][-1] > dc["upper"][-2] dc["lower_break"] = dc["lower"][-1] < dc["lower"][-2] self.value = dc return self.value