Trading Bots

tradero allows automatizing your trading with little bots [1].

A bot has a fund with a trading strategy, which it will use to decide what action to take - BUY, SELL, JUMP, or HOLD - when a decision is requested.

The fund of the bot can be specified in Initial Fund (Quote Asset) - i.e. 100 BUSD, 15 USDT, XX (QUOTE_ASSET) - and will be re-invested if Should Reinvest? is checked (and stored in Fund (Quote Asset)).

The bot will trade that fund on a Symbol, storing the amount bought in Fund (Baser Asset), according to the strategy (Strategy and Strategy parameters) - and will be able to move to others if Jumpy? is checked.


DUMMY is a mode for the bot where NO REAL TRANSACTIONS ARE MADE, instead, those transactions are simulated with the current market price of the Symbol and do not require your BINANCE’s API key. You can test any bot without consequences using this mode.

You must generate an API key with only Reading and Spot & Margin Trading permissions and set it in the User’s page to have the bot do the trading with market orders.


REMEMBER: You are solely responsible for your trading decisions. You may not press the button to turn ON the bot.

Once all this is set, it can be turned ON.

Every TIME_INTERVAL_BOTS minutes, all the active bots are updated and requested for a decision.


A strategy defines when a bot buys, sells, or jumps [2].


Also known as chicken bots, this strategy [3] relies on the STP (Short Term Prediction) indicator (AC) for buying.

Given a micro gain target, the bot will buy when the predicted accumulated variation for the Symbol is greater than the target and sell when the market price reaches it.



The micro gain target. Note that this is a gross micro gain, each market order has a cost - typically 0.1% without discounts - so a 0.3 target will lead to a net/real micro gain of 0.1%


Factor to expand the AC. This is a safety guard, i.e. for an ac_factor of 2 and a microgain of 0.3, the bot will buy if the AC is greater than 0.6.


Whether ponders (1) or not (0) the AC by the Symbol’s model score. This is a safety guard, i.e. an AC of for a Symbol with a model score of 0.8 will be considered as 0.8.


Outlier protection (1 | 0). This is a safety guard for avoiding buying under unstable conditions - i.e. to prevent a FOMO / price-drop situation.


Maximum Variation protection. When set greater than 0, it will not buy when the last variation surpasses that threshold (safety guard analogous to Outlier protection)


Do not sell if the price has reached the threshold if the AC is still at a buying point (1 | 0).


Maximum Variation Range (24h) of a Symbol to buy (Decimal, defaults to 10) if enabled (greater than zero). Meant to keep the bot out of the market when it is not moving sideways.


Also known as dolphin bots, this strategy [4] relies on the SCG Indicator indicator for buying.

Given a Symbol, the bot will buy when it is on “good status” while selling when the short-term line crosses the middle-term one (“end of the wave”).

Good Status is either when the Symbol is at “Current Good” and the short-term tendency is increasing (“wave onset”) or at “Early Onset” and the long-term line is not decreasing.

This strategy uses the bots’ local memory to track the price movement of the asset at its native time resolution (TIME_INTERVAL_BOTS) while using the indicators from the matrix (also known as Rainha Botzinha) at her time resolution (TIME_INTERVAL) to foresee the market situation.



Use the Early Onset status (1 | 0, defaults to 0).


Sell after the short-term tendency has local maxima (1 | 0, defaults to 1).


Periods to consider the wave is on onset (short-term increasing) (int, defaults to 2).


Tolerance (in percentage) for the short-term line variation to consider it as local maxima (Decimal, defaults to 0.1).


The extra percentage of the buying price to set as the min. selling threshold for automatic selling in the worst-case scenario (Decimal, defaults to 0.3).


Use the bot’s local memory (1 | 0, defaults to 1)


Use matrix’s time resolution (TIME_INTERVAL) (1 | 0, defaults to 0)


Minimum Variation Range (24h) of a Symbol to buy (Decimal, defaults to 3) if enabled (greater than zero). Meant to keep the bot out of the market when it is moving sideways narrowly.


Stop loss threshold (Decimal, defaults to 10) if enabled (greater than zero). Meant to take the bot out of the market when the position has failed. I.e. a stop loss threshold of 10 (percent) will make the bot sell if the price drops 10 percent of the buying price.


Unit to calculte the stop loss threshold (Text, defaults to percent). Possible values are percent and atr.


Also known as little turtle bots, this strategy [5] relies on the SCG Indicator, ref:atr, and ref:dc indicators for deciding.

Inspired by this video, this is the implementation of the strategy proposed by Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt in the 1980s, using the Donchian channel.

Given a Symbol, the bot will buy when it is on “good status” (the middle-term tendency is ascending) and an upper break of the Donchian channel has occurred, while selling when a lower break of the channel occurs or a stop-loss is executed when the price reaches the buying price minus 2 ATRs.



Use matrix’s time resolution (TIME_INTERVAL) (1 | 0, defaults to 0)


Minimum Variation Range (24h) of a Symbol to buy (Decimal, defaults to 3) if enabled (greater than zero). Meant to keep the bot out of the market when it is moving sideways narrowly.
