Source code for base.strategies

import inspect
import sys
from decimal import Decimal

from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils import timezone

from .indicators import get_indicators

available_indicators = get_indicators()

def get_strategies():
    available_strats = {
        i.slug: i
        for j, i in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass)
        if getattr(i, "slug", None) and i.is_available()
    return available_strats

[docs]class TradingStrategy: bot = None slug = None requires = [] params = {} def evaluate_buy(self): raise NotImplementedError def evaluate_sell(self): raise NotImplementedError def evaluate_jump(self): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def is_available(cls): return all([ind in available_indicators for ind in cls.requires]) @property def time_safeguard(self): return ( - self.symbol.last_updated).seconds > 60 def local_memory_update(self): pass def has_local_memory(self, symbol): pass def local_memory_available(self): return self.use_local_memory and self.symbol, strategy=self ) def get_param(self, param, kwargs): param_value = kwargs.get(param, self.params[param]["default"]) if self.params[param]["type"] == "bool": return bool(int(param_value)) elif self.params[param]["type"] == "decimal": return Decimal(param_value) elif self.params[param]["type"] == "text": return param_value else: return int(param_value) def get_symbols_with_siblings(self): return Q( - timezone.timedelta(hours=3) ) | Q( - timezone.timedelta(hours=3) ),,, ).values_list("symbol", flat=True) def apply_jumpy_lists(self, symbols): symbols_blacklist = symbols_whitelist = if symbols_whitelist: symbols = [s for s in symbols if s.symbol in symbols_whitelist] if symbols_blacklist: symbols = [s for s in symbols if s.symbol not in symbols_blacklist] return symbols
[docs]class ACMadness(TradingStrategy): """ ACMAdness Trading Strategy (requires the STP indicator) """ slug = "acmadness" requires = ["stp"] params = { "microgain": {"default": "0.3", "type": "decimal"}, "ac_factor": {"default": "3", "type": "decimal"}, "keep_going": {"default": "0", "type": "bool"}, "ol_prot": {"default": "1", "type": "bool"}, "max_var_prot": {"default": "0", "type": "bool"}, "ac_adjusted": {"default": "1", "type": "bool"}, "vr24h_max": {"default": "10", "type": "decimal"}, } def __init__(self, bot, symbol=None, **kwargs): = bot self.symbol = symbol or = Decimal(self.symbol.others["stp"]["next_n_sum"]) # self.microgain = self.get_param("microgain", kwargs) self.ac_threshold = self.microgain * self.get_param( "ac_factor", kwargs ) self.keep_going = self.get_param("keep_going", kwargs) self.outlier_protection = self.get_param("ol_prot", kwargs) self.max_var_protection = self.get_param("max_var_prot", kwargs) self.ac_adjusted = self.get_param("ac_adjusted", kwargs) self.vr24h_max = self.get_param("vr24h_max", kwargs) def evaluate_buy(self): if self.time_safeguard: return False, "Time Safeguard - waiting for next turn..." should_continue, message = self.buying_protections() if not should_continue: return False, message if self.get_ac() > self.ac_threshold: return True, None return ( False, f"Current AC {'(adj) ' if self.ac_adjusted else '' }" f"({self.get_ac():.3f}) is below threshold " f"({self.ac_threshold:.3f})", ) def evaluate_sell(self): if > self.get_min_selling_threshold(): if self.keep_going: # and should_buy, message = self.evaluate_buy() if should_buy: return ( False, "Kept goin' due to current AC", ) return True, None return ( False, f"Current price ({}) is below threshold " f"({self.get_min_selling_threshold():.6f})", ) def evaluate_jump(self): if self.time_safeguard: return False, None symbols_with_siblings = self.get_symbols_with_siblings() symbols = self.symbol._meta.concrete_model.objects.top_symbols() symbols = sorted( symbols, key=lambda s: s.others["stp"]["next_n_sum"], reverse=True ) symbols = self.apply_jumpy_lists(symbols) for symbol in symbols: symbol_ac = Decimal(symbol.others["stp"]["next_n_sum"]) symbol_ac = ( symbol_ac * symbol.model_score if self.ac_adjusted else symbol_ac ) if ( symbol_ac > self.ac_threshold and not in symbols_with_siblings ): if self.outlier_protection: if symbol.others["outliers"]["o1"]: continue return True, symbol return False, None def get_ac(self): if self.ac_adjusted: return * self.symbol.model_score else: return def get_min_selling_threshold(self): return ( * (1 + self.microgain / 100) / ) def buying_protections(self): if self.outlier_protection and self.symbol.others["outliers"]["o1"]: return ( False, "Outlier Protection - waiting for next turn...", ) if ( self.max_var_protection > 0 and self.symbol.last_variation > self.max_var_protection ): return ( False, f"Max Var Protection ({self.symbol.last_variation:.3f} > " f"{self.max_var_protection:.3f}) - waiting for next turn...", ) if ( self.vr24h_max > 0 and self.symbol.variation_range_24h > self.vr24h_max ): return ( False, f"VR24h above threshold " f"({self.symbol.variation_range_24h:.3f} > " f"{self.vr24h_max:.3f}) - waiting for next turn...", ) return (True, None)
[docs]class Turtle(TradingStrategy): """ Turtle Trading Strategy (requires the SCG, ATR and DC indicator) """ slug = "turtle" requires = ["scg", "atr", "dc"] params = { "use_matrix_time_res": {"default": "0", "type": "bool"}, "vr24h_min": {"default": "3", "type": "decimal"}, } def __init__(self, bot, symbol=None, **kwargs): = bot self.symbol = symbol or self.local_memory = self.scg = self.symbol.others["scg"] self.atr = self.symbol.others["atr"] self.dc = self.symbol.others["dc"] self.m_var = self.scg["line_m_var"] # Var of the Middle tendency # self.use_local_memory = True self.use_matrix_time_res = self.get_param( "use_matrix_time_res", kwargs ) self.vr24h_min = self.get_param("vr24h_min", kwargs) def evaluate_buy(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return (False, "Holding - Using matrix's time resolution...") should_continue, message = self.buying_protections() if not should_continue: return False, message if self.is_on_good_status() and self.dc["upper_break"]: return True, None return (False, "Symbol is not in good status and with upper break...") def evaluate_sell(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return (False, "Holding - Using matrix's time resolution") if <= self.get_stop_loss_threshold(): return True, None if self.dc["lower_break"]: return True, None return (False, "Still on board with the strategy") def evaluate_jump(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return False, None symbols_with_siblings = self.get_symbols_with_siblings() symbols = self.symbol._meta.concrete_model.objects.top_symbols() symbols = sorted( symbols, key=lambda s: s.others["dc"]["upper_break"], reverse=True ) symbols = self.apply_jumpy_lists(symbols) for symbol in symbols: strat_in_symbol = should_buy, _ = strat_in_symbol.evaluate_buy() if should_buy and not in symbols_with_siblings: return True, symbol return False, None def is_on_good_status(self): return self.m_var[-1] > 0 def get_stop_loss_threshold(self): return self.local_memory.get("stop_loss_threshold", 0) def local_memory_update(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return lm = if not lm: lm = {"stop_loss_threshold": None} if and not lm["stop_loss_threshold"]: lm["stop_loss_threshold"] = float( - 2 * ( self.symbol.others["atr"]["current"] ) self.local_memory = lm, lm) def has_local_memory(self, symbol=None): symbol = symbol or self.symbol lm = return lm.get("stop_loss_threshold") is not None def buying_protections(self): if ( self.vr24h_min > 0 and self.symbol.variation_range_24h < self.vr24h_min ): return ( False, f"VR24h below threshold " f"({self.symbol.variation_range_24h:.3f} < " f"{self.vr24h_min:.3f}) - waiting for next turn...", ) return (True, None)
[docs]class CatchTheWave(TradingStrategy): """ Catch The Wave Trading Strategy (requires the SCG indicator) """ slug = "catchthewave" requires = ["scg"] params = { "early_onset": {"default": "0", "type": "bool"}, "sell_on_maxima": {"default": "1", "type": "bool"}, "onset_periods": {"default": "2", "type": "int"}, "maxima_tol": {"default": "0.1", "type": "decimal"}, "sell_safeguard": {"default": "0.3", "type": "decimal"}, "use_local_memory": {"default": "1", "type": "bool"}, "use_matrix_time_res": {"default": "0", "type": "bool"}, "vr24h_min": {"default": "3", "type": "decimal"}, "stop_loss_threshold": {"default": "15", "type": "decimal"}, "stop_loss_unit": {"default": "percent", "type": "text"}, } def __init__(self, bot, symbol=None, **kwargs): = bot self.symbol = symbol or self.local_memory = self.scg = self.symbol.others["scg"] self.diff_sm = self.scg["line_diff_sm"] # Short - Middle tendency self.s_var = self.scg["line_s_var"] # Var of the Short tendency self.l_var = self.scg["line_l_var"] # Var of the Long tendency # self.early_onset = self.get_param("early_onset", kwargs) self.sell_on_maxima = self.get_param("sell_on_maxima", kwargs) self.onset_periods = self.get_param("onset_periods", kwargs) self.maxima_tol = self.get_param("maxima_tol", kwargs) self.sell_safeguard = self.get_param("sell_safeguard", kwargs) self.use_local_memory = self.get_param("use_local_memory", kwargs) self.use_matrix_time_res = self.get_param( "use_matrix_time_res", kwargs ) self.vr24h_min = self.get_param("vr24h_min", kwargs) self.stop_loss_threshold = self.get_param( "stop_loss_threshold", kwargs ) self.stop_loss_unit = self.get_param("stop_loss_unit", kwargs) def evaluate_buy(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return (False, "Holding - Using matrix's time resolution...") should_continue, message = self.buying_protections() if not should_continue: return False, message if self.is_on_good_status() and self.is_on_wave_onset(): return True, None return (False, "Symbol is not in good status and ascending...") def evaluate_sell(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return (False, "Holding - Using matrix's time resolution") if <= self.get_stop_loss_threshold(): return True, None if > self.get_min_selling_threshold(): if self.sell_on_maxima and self.is_local_maxima(): return True, None if self.is_on_wave(): return (False, "Kept goin' due to still being in the wave") return True, None return ( False, f"Current price ({}) is below min. " f"selling threshold ({self.get_min_selling_threshold():.6f})", ) def evaluate_jump(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return False, None symbols_with_siblings = self.get_symbols_with_siblings() symbols = self.symbol._meta.concrete_model.objects.top_symbols() if self.early_onset: key = lambda s: s.others["scg"]["seo_index"] else: key = lambda s: s.others["scg"]["scg_index"] symbols = sorted(symbols, key=key, reverse=True) symbols = self.apply_jumpy_lists(symbols) for symbol in symbols: strat_in_symbol = should_buy, _ = strat_in_symbol.evaluate_buy() if should_buy and not in symbols_with_siblings: return True, symbol return False, None def all_positive(self, ts): return all([t > 0 for t in ts]) def is_on_good_status(self): if self.early_onset: return self.scg["early_onset"] and self.not_decreasing( self.l_var[-self.onset_periods :] # long-term line ) return self.scg["current_good"] def is_local_maxima(self): if self.local_memory_available(): return self.local_memory["price_var"][-1] < -self.maxima_tol return self.s_var[-1] * 100 < -self.maxima_tol def is_on_wave(self): return self.diff_sm[-1] > 0 def is_on_wave_onset(self): if self.local_memory_available(): return self.all_positive( self.local_memory["price_var"][-self.onset_periods :] ) return self.all_positive(self.s_var[-self.onset_periods :]) def not_decreasing(self, line): return all([p * 100 > -self.maxima_tol for p in line]) def get_min_selling_threshold(self): return ( * (1 + self.sell_safeguard / 100) / ) def get_stop_loss_threshold(self): if self.stop_loss_threshold and unit = float( self.symbol.others["atr"]["current"] if self.stop_loss_unit == "atr" else / 100 ) threshold = ( float( - float(self.stop_loss_threshold) * unit ) return threshold else: return 0 def local_memory_update(self): if self.use_matrix_time_res and self.time_safeguard: return lm = if not lm: lm = {"price": [], "price_var": []} price, price_var = lm["price"], lm["price_var"] if price = price + [float(] if len(price) > 1: last_var = (Decimal(price[-1]) / Decimal(price[-2]) - 1) * 100 price_var = price_var + [float(last_var)] lm["price"] = price[-100:] lm["price_var"] = price_var[-100:] self.local_memory = lm, lm) def has_local_memory(self, symbol=None): symbol = symbol or self.symbol lm = price = lm.get("price", []) if len(price) > 1: return True return False def buying_protections(self): if ( self.vr24h_min > 0 and self.symbol.variation_range_24h < self.vr24h_min ): return ( False, f"VR24h below threshold " f"({self.symbol.variation_range_24h:.3f} < " f"{self.vr24h_min:.3f}) - waiting for next turn...", ) return (True, None)